Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Airport shenanigans

Huh.  The family of the woman who died after getting busted for acting like a crackhead in an airport is trying to "decide whether to sue the Phoenix PD."  WTF???  These people must be from the suburbs.  Anybody, of any race, that is from the city will tell you that acting a fool while in police custody is a great way to get your head knocked for you.  Who did this woman think she was?  One of Charlies Angles?   She was acting a fool in the airport, and got put into timeout.  She acted a fool in custody and put herself into permanent timeout.  What's the problem?
I've been busted in an airport.  Let me tell you what happens.  If you… say… get shitfaced at the bar waiting for the plane, and get busted at the security gate for trying to make one of the guards smell your shoe…  (Not what happened to me.  The guy next to me on the bench…)  They lock you down and toss you in a holding area until you sober up.  Then they come in and threaten you with all kinds of unpleasantness if you don't behave and either (a.) toss you out of the airport, or (b.) decide you are safe to let on the plane.  That's pretty much it unless you went and slugged one of the guards for getting too friendly with the hand wand.
Should you be one of those drunks that's  going to an alcohol rehab place and freaks the hell out and goes berserk if you are late for your plane, they will lock you down and leave you alone until you calm down.  Then they will threaten you with all sorts of unpleasantness if you act a fool again, and either (a.) toss you out of the airport, or (b.) decide you are safe to let on the plane.  Short of you actually doing some serious damage, say to one of the guards that confuses his hand wand for a piñata stick, they let travelers continue their journey if they can.
Enter Nancy Drew, who has a detox flip out when she misses her connecting flight, and instead of hanging out for a few hours and getting the next flight, decides to take on the man.  Any kid who grew up in the city can tell you not to mess with the man in his own house.  Once she's locked down, she decides to do a Charlie's Angels and flip her cuffs to the front, chew through the chain, and then what?  Strangle the guards and escape into the French Underground?  Be smuggled back to England so she can continue the fight against the Jerrys?  Where's the though process here?
Instead, she chokes herself out, flops and twitches as she goes (gasp!  She had bruises on her body!), and sends herself off to the land of the Happy Highball.  Where's the police liability here?  Don't see any.  If the family wants to sue somebody, might I recommend the security guard that likes to jab people in the balls repeatedly with the hand wand?

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