Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Who am I?

Do I upset you?  I don't mean to.  Scaring citizens is not my thing.  I'm a protector.  Sixty years ago, give or take, my team hit the beaches in Normandy.  We freed the world.  Fifty years ago, we made sure that your friend Choi's father was allowed to vote his conscience.  Thirty years ago, we patched up your Uncle and got him on a chopper to Da Nang Aid Station.  We also made sure that your friend Lamont could go to school without being beaten by mobs.  We were a primary force in ensuring freedom of education in America.  Fifteen years ago, we went to the desert.  Some whine that it was for oil, others say that it was for checking aggression.  The fact is we went, and we did everything we were allowed to do.  And we did it on time, and under budget.  Six years ago, our home was attacked and we responded.  Two years ago, we scattered warring gang members in New Orleans, ensuring that our neighbors could recover from Katrina.
Me?  Personally?  My country is at war.  I don't care where we "don't belong."  I don't care what people say about profit and greed.  I was fourteen years old.  I just got to high school.  Hell, I still hadn't figured out where my locker was yet, when we all were herded into the auditorium to watch the towers come down and the Pentagon burn.  We huddled in there for hours, crying and waiting for our parents to come for us.  I joined in my Senior year and shipped to Basic on graduation.  I just got back from a tour in the mountains.  Chasing Bin Ladin's little shitbirds all over God's creation.  I was standing next to Mike Wilson when the RPG hit.  I try not to think about that much.  I haven't slept more than three or four hours a night for a year now.  No big deal.
Why must I be so loud?  Sorry about that.  Road side bomb.  I lost about half my hearing.  Doctors say I'll be needing hearing aids in the next decade.  Sorry, I'll try to keep it down and not disturb you so much.
Why do I cuss so much?  Talk so aggressive?  The aggressive spirit and attitude were all that kept me going when the days turned to 38 hours and the temperature climbed above a hundred twenty.  It's hard to gear up to charge into gunfire yelling "please sir, may I?"  The attitude is a tool that kept me alive.  Pardon me for not removing it like an unwanted coat.  I still need it.  I'm on alert to deploy to Iraq in two months.  Don't worry; I'll be out of your hair in a little bit.  Your quiet life can resume.
I stand between you and them.
Who am I?  I'm your neighbor.  I grew up down the street.  I'm a Soldier in the National Guard
Oh, could you please sort of ignore the beer?  I'm not old enough to drink yet.

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